“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” (John 14: 6 ) .Our central Christian belief recognises that Jesus, the fully human and fully divine are one. This is the theology of incarnation and it changes not only the way we look at each other, but the way we see and live and have our being in the world. Jesus Christ is the One who walks with us and wants to be invited more deeply into our lives. The Catholic school is a place of holistic education of the human person through a clear educational undertaking, of which Jesus Christ is the foundation. The Catholic Worldview is the unique comprehensive understanding of the universe, revealed to us by Jesus Christ, in the Gospels. “Grace and truth have come through Jesus Christ” (John 1:17).
JESUS CHRIST REVEALS THE MIND AND HEART OF GODAs Christians we believe that God has revealed himself fully by sending his own Son, in whom he has established his covenant forever. |
The development of a personal connection to the person and vision of Jesus must be nurtured consistently and deeply in all Catholic schools so that there will be effective engagement in the transformative mission we are called to as Christians. In the Gospels, Jesus models love of others through: compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, advocating for justice and service to the poor and marginalised. His death was the fullest expression of his giving of himself to us, for us. He represented this self-giving in the words and gestures of the Last Supper: “Take this all of you, and eat it: this is my body, which will be given up for you” (Luke 22:19). Then he invited us to do as he does: “Do this in memory of me.” Jesus Christ is the stable principle and fixed centre of the mission that God himself has entrusted to humanity. We must all share in this mission (John Paul 11 Redemptor Hominis).Jesus’ message of the Kingdom of God must be enlivened in our Catholic schools through our systems, symbols and behaviours. Jesus Christ is the central and pivotal value which guides and strengthens the other foundational values of: tradition, evangelisation, worship, witness, community and service which are integral to the Catholic identity and mission of our Lismore Parish schools.